Last updated on 1/29/2025.

User Preferences

Tip - Adjust these settings to control the behavior of Green Filing for John Doe.

Select how your would like your cases to display under the "Recent Case" tab. Ex: 17FL002438: JOHN APPLESEED vs john appleseed

Select required Court Setting.

Select a default Court Location to save time when filing new cases.

Choose the a saved contact to use as the default plaintiff whenever you start a new case filing.

Select which list of filings you will see when you first log in.

Choose the screen to view when logging into GreenFiling Note: If you follow a link or bookmark a specific screen, you will see that one instead.

Choose the number of recent cases listed on the E-Filing Menu (maximum of 10).

Select whether Service Contacts should be defaulted as "selected" or defaulted as "unselected" during the filing process.

Choose how often to refresh your filings (in hours).

Select in which timezone you want to work. Ex: 08/03/2017 12:17 PDT

Select whether you would like the system to auto-convert uploaded image files/PDF to text searchable PDFs.

Select if you would like the system to extract and Auto-Fill party fields from your document on case initiating filings.

Select if you would like to enable ability to email documents to create a draft filing for easy review and submit.

Select if you would like to enable ability to create and Auto-Fill all filing details upon document upload.

Select whether the filing fees should be calculated automatically upon Payment Method selection.

eFileCA - Select which emails you would like to receive from the Court's e-filing manager.