Last updated on 9/6/2024

Filing ID 9100323 - Reserved

Serve by Mail - Complete the below steps and submit to send your documents by certified or standard mail.
1. Select Case or Service List - Choose your case or service list. You may also add a case or create a new service list.
Important Note - Service of Process is currently available for existing court cases only.
This option is for serving documents on a case in these courts. View List
Select a service list or click "Create Service List" to start a new one.
2. Add Documents - Upload the documents that you would like mailed.
Document Type Document Description File Name
Service Only
Done Adding Documents

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3. Service Contacts - Add service contacts to your filing to perform electronic service.
eServe Mail Service (add'l fees apply) Name Email Party
eServe - ($1.00) James Joseph Smith
1245 West Main St.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Edit Address Mark Sanchez
eServe - ($1.00) Joann Smith
Add Address Mark Sanchez
eServe - ($1.00) Michael Severson
Add Address Mark Sanchez
Add Service Contact
Return Address
You've selected a mail service option. Please review / edit return address.

Strauss & Jennings
c/o Sally Salamander
8322 E. Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Edit Return Address
4. Courtesy Copy Delivery - Indicate if you would like paper courtesy copies hand delivered to court.
Important Note - The San Diego Superior Court requires the delivery of courtesy copies if a hearing is within 48 hours of documents filed, if you have exhibits to be considered with a Notice of Lodgement, and for Construction Defect cases assigned to D63. Learn More

Additional fees apply, invoiced and billed upon submission separately from filing fees below.

You have 250 characters remaining.

Important Note: The submission deadline is 4:30 PM PT for Next-Day delivery / 12:30 PM for Urgent Same-Day. Weekend submissions considered submitted on next business day.

<FEE> (includes mark up for the PAGECOUNT pages being delivered) No refunds for rejected filings.
5. Service Fees - All mail service fees and courtesy copy delivery fees paid separately from filing fees.
Service Fees
Mail Service Fee $36.00
Courtesy Copy Delivery Fee $40.00
Convenience Fee $2.28
Provider Tax Fee $2.18
Sub-Total $80.46
6. Review & Submit - Finalize your submission, review, and submit.
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