Approved Last updated on 11/9/2020
See build notes below.

Filing ID 9100323 - Reserved Utah Serve by Mail

Serve by Mail - Complete the below steps and submit to send your documents by certified or standard mail.
1. Select Case - Choose your case, or click add a case to retrieve your case from the court's system.
Important Note - Service of Process is currently available for existing court cases only.
This option is for serving documents on a case in these courts. View List
Select a service list or click "Create Service List" to start a new one.
2. Add Documents - Upload the documents that you would like mailed.
Document Type Document Description File Name
Service Only
Done Adding Documents

Icon Key

Recognizing Text
Text Searchable
3. Mail Recipients - Add service contacts to perform electronic service.
eServe Mail Service (add'l fees apply) Name Email
James Joseph Smith
1245 West Main St.
Salt Lake City, UT 12345
Edit Address
Joann Smith
Add Address
Michael Severson
Add Address
Add Service Contact
Mail Service Fees
Return Address
You've selected a mail service option. Please review / edit return address.

Strauss & Jennings
c/o Sally Salamander
8th Street
Salt Lake City, UT 12355
Edit Return Address
4. Review & Submit - Finalize your submission, review, and submit.
    Save Draft

Build Notes

  • Section 3. Mail Recipients - when selecting a service contact for eService or Mail Service currently the row background should stay white
  • Section 3. Mail Recipients - move the Service Options to the first two columns and updated column labels
  • Section 3. Mail Recipients - when selecting Mail Service, if the contact does not have an address on file, automatically popup the modal to add the address. Incluce the user's name in the modal's title. (i.e. Add Address for Joann Smith)
  • Section 3. Mail Recipients - change Estimated Mail Fees to Mail Service Fees
  • On the E-filing tab, we need to add Create Serve Only to the left menu under File on Existing Case

Letterstream Design Notes (Tyler)

Letterstream Design Notes (Utah)

Letterstream Design Notes (Possible Future Stand Alone)