Initiate a New Case - Complete the below filing steps and submit to file and/or serve your documents.
1. Select Court & Case Type - Choose the court location and case type to file your new case.
Important: Use this screen to file a new complaint / petition etc. and start a new case. If you have an existing case number, click File on Existing Case.
Los Angeles County - Stanley Mosk - Family - Los Angeles County
This case type requires Petitioner, Respondent parties. Please input party name and contact information on left.
Party search found and auto-populated the party information highlighted in purple.
Please review all information for accuracy before submitting your filing to the court.
5. Filing Party - Choose the party or parties you are filing on behalf of.
6. Service Contacts - Add service contacts to your filing to perform electronic service.
7. Filing Fees - Select a payment method to pay estimated fees.
8. Review & Submit - Finalize your filing, review, and submit.
Search for Party Information
Would you like our software to search your documents for possible party information such as names and addresses to auto-populate the New Case Party section?