Last updated on 12/15/2022.

Filing ID 2100222 - Reserved

Initiate a New Case - Complete the below filing steps and submit to file and/or serve your documents.
1. Select Court & Case Type - Complete the below filing steps and submit to file your documents.
2. Add Documents - Define, select, and upload the documents that make up your filing.
3. New Case Parties - Enter the required parties.
4. Filing Party - Choose the party or parties you are filing on behalf of. If using a keyboard, select parties with the enter key instead of the spacebar.
5. Service Contacts - Add or select service contacts to perform electronic service. Service contacts provided by the court are annotated with and may not be edited.
6. Service of Process - Serve documents directly to parties at their home or place of business.
Important Note - Service of process may be completed upon acceptance of your filing and fulfilled by our partner InfoTrack Exchange.

Additional fees apply–invoiced and billed per service party upon the completion of their service.

Knecht, George 801-448-7268,
Service Instructions Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla libero est, semper quis enim at, auctor molestie leo. Integer ac hendrerit neque, sit amet maximus ex.
Rush Priority Yes
Skip Tracing Yes
Home 123 Tinkerbell Avenue, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210, Los Angeles County
Company Mills Filers, 2432 S Main Avenue Suite 33, Los Angeles, CA, 90211, Los Angeles County
Age 40
Gender Male
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 6'1"
Weight 200
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Relationship Father
Additional Info Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla libero est, semper quis enim at, auctor molestie leo. Integer ac hendrerit neque, sit amet maximus ex.

Vasquez, Carmen 231-448-7268,
Home 123 Tinkerbell Avenue, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210, Los Angeles County
Age 34
Weight 160
Gender Male
Height 5'3"
Ethnicity Hispanic
Hair Brown
Relationship Cousin
Eyes Brown
Additional Info Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla libero est, semper quis enim at, auctor molestie leo. Integer ac hendrerit neque, sit amet maximus ex.
Knecht, George $140.00
Vasquez, Carmen $100.00
Total Service Fees $240.00
To ensure we are able to complete this service, please provide a credit or debit card as a backup payment method. If funds do not clear on your e-check, your backup payment method will be used to collect the service fees, and a $25 returned check fee will be applied.

Important Note

Please provide as much information about the Service Party as possible and add at least one (1) Service Address.
7. Filing Fees - Select a payment method to pay estimated fees.
8. Review & Submit - Finalize your filing, review, and submit.

Allows comma separated list of emails.

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