Last updated on 5/08/2023

Filing ID 2015899 - Pending

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Initiate a New Case - Envelope Number 6145731
1. Select Court & Case Type - Choose the court location and case type to file your new case.
Court Orange County - Santa Ana, 700 Civic Center Drive West (Central Justice Center Santa Ana) - eFile: Civil
Case Type SC_OR_SC - Small Claims Small Claims
Case Title Big Landlord vs Small Tenant
Amount Owed 7000.00
Amount Reason They havent paid rent in three months
Time Period Over time - 02/01/2023 to 05/01/2023
Amount Calculation calculated per lease
Prior Resolution Yes, I have asked the defendant—in person, writing, or by phone—to pay me and/or return any property that is mine.
Filing Courthouse The courthouse covers the area where: (a) the defendant does business, (b) your property was damaged, (c) you were injured, or (d) a written or spoken contract was made, signed, performed, or broken by the defendant or where the defendant lived or did business when they made the contract. (5a)
Additional Info My claim is about an attorney-client fee dispute (7) - I have had arbitration for this dispute
I am suing a public entity - 05/01/2023
I have filed more than 12 other small claims within the last 12 months in California (9)
My claim is related to an automobile accident
2. Add Documents - Define, select, and upload the documents that make up your filing.
3. New Case Parties - Enter the required parties.
4. Filing Party - Choose the party or parties you are filing on behalf of. If using a keyboard, select parties with the enter key instead of the spacebar.
5. Additional Info - Enter any additional information that is required, indicated by a, for this filing type.
6. Service Contacts - Add or select service contacts to perform electronic service. Service contacts provided by the court are annotated with and may not be edited.
7. Service of Process - Serve documents directly to parties at their home or place of business.
8. Filing Fees - Select a payment method to pay estimated fees.
9. Review & Submit - Finalize your filing, review, and submit.
Filing Activity Log - Exchange of messages with the court filing manager.