In Progress - Last updated on 1/24/2025.

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1-20 of over 100
Filing ID Status Last Changed Case Envelope Lead Document Actions
2141767 Draft 06/26/2017 05:01 PM PDT SK08281500 Ex Parte Petition: 17_06_22_signed_Ex_Parte_y_of_Decedent_s_Will.pdf
2141768 Draft 06/26/2017 05:01 PM PDT 16PR178760 Receipt: SCAN_LMKRECEIPT.pdf
2141765 Pending 06/26/2017 05:00 PM PDT BP171573 655300 Receipt - Acknowledgment of Ord for Deposit in Blocked Acct.: 170331_UBS... Print
2141761 Draft 06/26/2017 05:00 PM PDT New Petition: Dissolution no minor: 2017_06_26_OUR_Petition_Unfiled_.pdf
2141746 Draft 06/26/2017 05:00 PM PDT New Request to Waive Court Fees: FW001_and_003.pdf
Imported Pending 06/26/2017 05:00 PM PDT 17FL000556 655297 Response: Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order: 2017_6_26_Res... Print
2141766 Pending 06/26/2017 04:59 PM PDT 11CEFL00998 655296 Stipulation and Order: 2017_06_26_16_00_20.pdf Print
2141759 Draft 06/26/2017 04:59 PM PDT BP173419 Accounting - Conservatorship/Guardianship: 170626_Halim_First_Account.pdf
Imported Accepted 06/26/2017 04:59 PM PDT BP166266 653235 Supplement: FTB_zero_tax_LTR.pdf Print
2141764 Draft 06/26/2017 04:58 PM PDT 16FL02803 Child Support Case Registry Form: SCAN2838_000.pdf
2141392 Accepted 06/26/2017 04:58 PM PDT 16PR000031 654026 Application: Bryant_continue.pdf Print
2141758 Pending 06/26/2017 04:58 PM PDT 16CEFL06434 655290 Responsive Declaration: MATHIS_FL_320.pdf Print
2141757 Pending 06/26/2017 04:57 PM PDT New 655287 Petition: Dissolution w/minor: 2017_6_26_Petition_FL_100_.pdf Print
2141104 Accepted 06/26/2017 04:57 PM PDT YP007079 653269 Supplement: First_Supplement_to_Peti_r_Final_Distribution.pdf Print
2141154 Accepted 06/26/2017 04:56 PM PDT BP154314 653397 Notice: 7403820_2017_06_22_Notice_of_Continued_Hearing.pdf Print
2141741 Pending 06/26/2017 04:54 PM PDT 17STPB04618 655274 Proposed Order: IMG_20170626_0001_2.pdf Print
2141175 Accepted 06/26/2017 04:54 PM PDT 17STPB03874 653399 Application/Order - Appointing Probate Referee: COHEN_APP.pdf Print
2141128 Accepted 06/26/2017 04:53 PM PDT 17STPB02373 653400 Proposed Order: CCF06262017.pdf Print
2141710 Pending 06/26/2017 04:53 PM PDT 16CV-0380 655268 Exparte Application Filed (hearing): Ex_Parte_application_w_declarations... Print