Last updated on 7/29/2024

Filing ID 2100222 - Reserved SAN DIEGO CIVIL

File on Existing Case - Complete the below filing steps and submit to file and/or serve your documents.
1. Select Case - Choose your case, or click add a case to retrieve your case from the court's system.
2. Add Documents - Define, select, and upload the documents that make up your filing.
3. Security & Optional Services - Choose a security level, and any needed optional services, for each document.
4. New Case Parties - Click add party to enter any desired new party or parties to the case.
5. Filing Party - Choose the party or parties you are filing on behalf of.
6. Service Contacts - Add or select service contacts to perform electronic service.
7. Courtesy Copy Delivery - Indicate if you would like paper courtesy copies hand delivered to court.
Important Note - The San Diego Superior Court requires the delivery of courtesy copies if a hearing is within 48 hours of documents filed, if you have exhibits to be considered with a Notice of Lodgement, and for Construction Defect cases assigned to D63. Learn More

Additional fees apply, invoiced and billed upon submission separately from filing fees below.

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Important Note: The submission deadline is 4:30 PM PT for Next-Day delivery / 12:30 PM for Urgent Same-Day. Weekend submissions considered submitted on next business day.

<FEE> (includes mark up for the PAGECOUNT pages being delivered) No refunds for rejected filings.
8. Additional Services - Indicate if you would like to request additional services.
9. Filing Fees - Select a payment method to pay estimated fees.
10. Review & Submit - Finalize your filing, review, and submit.

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User Information
Name Jane Dorothy
Firm Acme Law Firm
Portal Court Filing
User Type Staff
Authorized For All Attorneys

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