Approved Last updated on 11/20/2020
See build notes below.

Filing ID 2100222 - Pending View Only

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File on Existing Case - Complete the below filing steps and submit to file your documents.
1. Select Case - Choose your case, or click add a case to retrieve your case from the court's system.
Court San Mateo - Redwood City - Civil Unlimited
Case No. 25-CIV-01234
Greer John vs. JOINT POWERS BOARD, et al
2. Add Documents - Define, select, and upload the documents that make up your filing.
Document Type Document Description File Name
Petition - Dissolution w/o Minor Child
Petition - Dissolution w/o Minor Child
3. Security & Optional Services - Choose a security level, and any needed optional services, for each document.
Document Security Additional Services Qty Associated Parties
Answer Public Unlimited Civil - Answer non-Plaintiff incl. UD 2 City of Burlingame, Joint Powers Board
Civil Case Coversheet Public
Cross Complaint Public Complex Civil (each Defendant up to 18 defendants) 2 City of Burlingame, Joint Powers Board
4. New Case Parties - Enter the required parties.
Role Type Party Representing Attorney
Parker, Samantha
1200 Fictitious Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Parker, Thomas
5. Filing Party - Choose the party or parties you are filing on behalf of.
Party Name Role Party Type Attorney Info
JOINT POWERS BOARD, et al Petitioner Business
Greer, John Defendant Individual
6. Service Contacts - Add service contacts to your filing to perform electronic service.
Name Document eServe Status as of... Mail Type Mail Status Mail Receipt
James Joseph Smith
1245 West Main St.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Cross Complaint Sent Certified Not Sent
Summons Sent
Geena Marie Davis
4342 E. Wilshire Blvd #2032
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Cross Complaint Sent Standard Not Sent
Summons Sent
Julius Henry Marx
111 E. Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Cross Complaint Opened FedEx Not Sent
Summons Opened
7. Filing Fees - Select a payment method to pay estimated fees.
Payment Estimation
View Estimated Court Filing Fees
Provider Service Fees $9.95
Total Payment Amount N/A
Payment Method: MC xxxxxx5454
8. Review & Submit - Finalize your filing, review, and submit.
06/21/2024 10:11 AM PDT
06/21/2024 10:11 AM PDT
James Miller
James Miller
User Information
Name James Miller
Firm 100287: Miller Legal Services
Portal greenfiling
User Type BASIC
Authorized For All Users
Filing Activity Log - Exchange of messages with the court filing manager.
Message Type Timestamp Court Response
submission 05/27/2020 09:39 AM PDT Received and assigned envelope number 4380999.
document rejection 06/12/2020 11:22 AM PDT Declaration - Declaration - Rejected - 01. Returned for correction, please see comments below. : YOU HAVE STATED THAT THIS IS ATTACHMENT 10. PLEASE ATTACH BEHIND THE FL-300 AND SUBMIT AS ONE DOCUMENT.
submission 06/12/2020 12:00 PM PDT Received and assigned envelope number 4390234.
message 06/12/2020 11:22 AM PDT Filing resubmitted. Click here for electronic service status information on the the original filing, envelope number 4380999.

Build Notes

The View Only for the pending filing screen looks exactly like the Accepted screen. However, the Mail Status column will say "Not Sent" and not have any clickable links (just like our current message for e-service that isn't sent). The Mail Receipt column will remain empty.

Letterstream Design Notes (Tyler)

Letterstream Design Notes (Utah)

Letterstream Design Notes (Possible Future Stand Alone)