Approved Last updated on 11/9/2020
See build notes below.

Filing ID 2100222 - Reserved

File on Existing Case - Complete the below filing steps and submit to file and/or serve your documents.
1. Select Case - Choose your case, or click add a case to retrieve your case from the court's system.
2. Add Documents - Define, select, and upload the documents that make up your filing.
3. Security & Optional Services - Choose a security level, and any needed optional services, for each document.
4. New Case Parties - Click add party to enter any desired new party or parties to the case.
5. Filing Party - Choose the party or parties you are filing on behalf of.
6. Service Contacts - Add or select service contacts to perform electronic service.
eServe Mail Service (add'l fees apply) Name Email Party
James Joseph Smith
1245 West Main St.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Edit Address Mark Sanchez
Joann Smith
Add Address Mark Sanchez
Michael Severson
Add Address Mark Sanchez
Add Service Contact
Return Address
You've selected a mail service option. Please review / edit return address.

Strauss & Jennings
c/o Sally Salamander
8322 E. Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Edit Return Address
7. Additional Service Options - Indicate if you would like to request additional services.
Courtesy Copy Delivery
Need to get a copy of your court filing to the court? If so, we have got you covered. We will print and deliver a copy of the document(s) and notify you with a proof of delivery.
Other Services

Please provide a short description of services you require and a representative will contact you to confirm.

San Diego Superior Court Requirements

For certain filings, printed courtesy copies must be submitted to the court. can help you satisfy this requirement. Learn More
8. Filing Fees - Select a payment method to pay estimated fees.
Tort Money-Damages Estimated Confirmed
Case Initiation Fee $435.00 $435.00
Sub-Total $435.00 $435.00
Complaint Estimated Confirmed
Court Filing Fee $435.00 $435.00
Court Report Services Fees (30 minutes) $30.00 $30.00
Sub-Total $465.00 $465.00
Service Fees Estimated Confirmed
Odyssey eFileCA EFM Fee $3.50 $3.50
Provider Service Fee (GreenFiling) $1.00 $1.00
Santa Clara County Court Transaction Fee $2.05 $2.05
Mail Service Fees $12.50 $12.50
Courtesy Copy Fees $65.00 $65.00
Convenience Fee TBD TBD
Sub-Total $84.05 $84.05
9. Review & Submit - Finalize your filing, review, and submit.

Allows comma separated list of emails.

    Save Draft
User Information
Name Jane Dorothy
Firm Acme Law Firm
Portal Court Filing
User Type Staff
Authorized For All Attorneys

Build Notes - 11/9/2020

  • Section 6. Service Contacts - when selecting a service contact for eService or Mail Service currently the row background turns grey. We want to switch it so that the row stays white.
  • Section 6. Service Contacts - changed Mail Serve to Mail Service (add'l fees apply) to be consistent with rest of application
  • Section 6. Service Contacts - when selecting Mail Service, if the contact does not have an address on file, automatically popup the modal to add the address. Incluce the user's name in the modal's title. (i.e. Add Address for Joann Smith)
  • Section 8. Filing Fees - change Court Convenience Fee to Convenience Fee

Letterstream Design Notes (Tyler)

Letterstream Design Notes (Utah)

Letterstream Design Notes (Possible Future Stand Alone)