San Diego Civil

Court Info - Information about this court
Court Settings - Modify the court system settings
1-10 of 10
Setting Name Setting Value
enhancedService.sendServiceOn Accept
paymentGatewayCode default_gateway
tybera.heartland.isUnified False
tybera.heartland.isOn True
isPartySuffixTextField True
maximumUploadFileSize 200 MB
isEmailVerificationCourtDependent False

Design Notes

  1. The Code List pages have a spelling error. The label Party Role is spelled incorrectly in DEV and PROD.
  2. The links below are the pages I have found missing the bootstrap template related to the Code List sub-pages. They should follow the general existing format being used. I have basic mockups for them all if needed for reference.
  3. Any tables on the following mockups that have editable fields should behave like the fields in the table on the App Config Screen . Additionally, a pager on the upper right of the table may need to be added like the App Config page as well.
  4. The Case Type mockup for Utah has an add/delete function for documents that should also behave like the App Config popup.

