Initiate a New Case - Complete the below filing steps and submit to file and/or serve your documents.
Important - Extraction and auto-fill complete! We have examined your documents and auto-filled your filing data with as much information as possible. Please double-check and verify all your filing details and complete any incomplete fields before submitting your filing.
1. Select Court & Case Type - Choose the court location and case type to file your new case.
Important: Use this screen to file a new complaint / petition etc. and start a new case. If you have an existing case number, click File on Existing Case.
Los Angeles County - Stanley Mosk - Family - Los Angeles County
Change Court
Dissolution w/o Minor Children - Family
Change Case
Case Sub Type
2. Add Documents - Define, select, and upload the documents that make up your filing.
Document Type Document Description File Name  
DV w/o Minor Child - New Case Petition DV w/o Minor Child - New Case Petition Petition...ution.pdf (188 kB, 3 pgs.)
Summons Summons Summons.pdf (96 kB, 2 pgs.)
Civil Case Coversheet Civil Case Coversheet coversheet.pdf (48 kB, 2 pgs.)
Add Document
3. Security & Optional Services - Choose a security level, and any needed optional services, for each document.
Document Security Optional Services Qty
DV w/o Minor Child - New Case Petition
Civil Case Coversheet
4. New Case Parties - Enter the required parties.


This case type requires Petitioner, Respondent parties. Please input party name and contact information on left.


Party search found and auto-populated the party information highlighted in purple.

Please review all information for accuracy before submitting your filing to the court.
5. Filing Party - Choose the party or parties you are filing on behalf of. If using a keyboard, select parties with the enter key instead of the spacebar.
Party Name Role Party Type
Johnson, Emily Plaintiff Individual
Johnson, Albert Defendant Individual
6. Service Contacts - Add service contacts to your filing to perform electronic service.
eServe Name Email Address Party Action

No service contacts are currently attached to this filing. Use link below to add contacts.

Add Service Contact
7. Filing Fees - Select a payment method, and click the calculate fees button.
CC - Civil Collection Estimated Fees
Case Initiation Fee $157.00
Sub-Total $157.00
Complaint/Equivalent Pleading Estimated
Court Filing Fee $0.00
Sub-Total $0.00
Subpoena/Summons Filed Estimated
Court Filing Fee $0.00
Sub-Total $0.00
Service Fees Estimated
Payment Service Fee TBD
Grand Total $157.00


Your estimated filing fee range has been calculated based on previous filings submitted in this court for this case type. Click the "Confirm Fee Calculation" link to query the Court's system to display exact fees.
8. Review & Submit - Finalize your filing, review, and submit.

Accepts comma separated list of email addresses.

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